“On the deepest level, problems such as war and starvation are not solved by economics and politics alone. Their source is prejudice and fear in the human heart - and their solution also lies in the human heart”

Joseph Goldstein

We’re living in polarized times. “Polarizing Conversations” is a podcast dedicated to exploring some of the most difficult topics we’re facing. It’s debate-style with a twist - the goal isn’t to win. The goal is to find common ground and recognize the humanity in the other side. Along the way, we’ll work on building our skills in deep listening and curiosity - and use those to reduce judgment to create a more compassionate world.

Finding common ground is spiritual work for Vanessa Paesani. An artist at heart, Vanessa trained in science with a deep curiosity in both literature and anthropology - the studies of people and cultures. Her journey has taken her many places, literally and figuratively. She recently spent a year doing a deep dive into the spiritual. Through that, she learned that the separations we have in our lives (professional, personal, spiritual etc) are largely held internally - in our beliefs - and wants to be of service in helping people live more integrated lives. Part of that integration is knowing that we are all deeply interconnected as people, as cultures, as residents of the planet. She hopes that this podcast will help people refine their skills in deep listening and curiosity so that they can apply these in all aspects of their lives.

Contact Vanessa to discuss any of the podcast topics or to suggest future topics / guests.